
IFAS (Afrique du Sud)
Indian Ocean Trade Network
What the objects tell us: interaction, integration, and innovation at the 17th centur...
28 Novembre 2016
IFAS (Afrique du Sud)
Association franco-mozambicaine de sciences humaines et sociales
Symposium to launch the Franco-Mozambique Association for Social and Human Sciences!...
10 Octobre 2016
IFAS (Afrique du Sud)
The Steve Biko lectures in philosophy Chantal Mouffe, University of Westminster Respo...
08 Mars 2016
IFAS (Afrique du Sud)
The Steve Biko Lectures in Philosophy 16 February 2016 13:00 – 16:00 – Madibeng Build...
16 Février 2016
IFAS (Afrique du Sud)
Africa-Americans and the "darker races" in the 20th century Pap NdiayeProfessor of hi...
16 Octobre 2014
IFAS (Afrique du Sud)
What does it mean to speak or think of a future for Nigeria and Nigerians beyond its...
16 Octobre 2014
IFAS (Afrique du Sud)
sciences sociales
For the twentieth anniversary of democracy in South Africa, the French Institute of S...
15 Avril 2014
IFAS (Afrique du Sud)
Parcs naturels
Urban Protected Areas Network 3rd BiodiverCities International Conference his event p...
07 Avril 2014