
IFRA - Nairobi (Kenya)
HIV/AIDS continues to be a major socio-economic and medical problem affecting youth i...
15 Décembre 2011
IFRA - Nairobi (Kenya)
HIV/AIDS continues to be a major socio-economic and medical problem affecting youth i...
15 Décembre 2011
IFRA - Nairobi (Kenya)
publication électronique
Marie-Aude Fouéré (Photos and figures: Olivier Provini) Mambo! Recent research findi...
13 Décembre 2011
IFRA - Nairobi (Kenya)
Violences armées entre Turkana et Dassanetch Marine Le Ster Recent research findings...
03 Novembre 2011
IFRA - Nairobi (Kenya)
Natural disasters
The purpose of this paper is to explain how, in developing countries, the poor have c...
03 Octobre 2011
IFRA - Nairobi (Kenya)
Natural disasters
The purpose of this paper is to explain how, in developing countries, the poor have c...
03 Octobre 2011
IFRA - Nairobi (Kenya)
This article presents the findings of the estimated population of Kibera, often said...
01 Septembre 2011
IFRA - Nairobi (Kenya)
The aim of this article is to present a case study of bio-centres in three slums in N...
01 Septembre 2011
IFRA - Nairobi (Kenya)
This article presents the bio-centre technology, an innovative solution that addresse...
01 Septembre 2011
IFRA - Nairobi (Kenya)
Urban poor
This article seeks to examine community-led upgrading initiatives, with particular em...
01 Septembre 2011
IFRA - Nairobi (Kenya)
The aim of this article is to present a case study of bio-centres in three slums in N...
01 Septembre 2011
IFRA - Nairobi (Kenya)
This article analyses the pilot public housing project in Kibera Soweto East in Nairo...
01 Septembre 2011
IFRA - Nairobi (Kenya)
Urban poor
This article seeks to examine community-led upgrading initiatives, with particular em...
01 Septembre 2011
IFRA - Nairobi (Kenya)
Political science
This article discusses two Kenyan government initiatives in slum upgrading: the Kenya...
01 Septembre 2011
IFRA - Nairobi (Kenya)
This article analyses the pilot public housing project in Kibera Soweto East in Nairo...
01 Septembre 2011
IFRA - Nairobi (Kenya)
Land tenure
This paper gives an overview of slum upgrading in Kenya observing that slums are a ma...
01 Septembre 2011
IFRA - Nairobi (Kenya)
Political science
This article discusses two Kenyan government initiatives in slum upgrading: the Kenya...
01 Septembre 2011
IFRA - Nairobi (Kenya)
Tenure has often been cited as the underlying reason for the wanting physical state t...
01 Septembre 2011
