
CEDEJ (Egypte, Soudan)
Three years have passed since the 2011 revolution led to the fall of the Mubarak regi...
11 Avril 2014
CEDEJ (Egypte, Soudan)
In the context of the January 2011 Revolution, architects and planners in Egypt were...
09 Avril 2014
CEDEJ (Egypte, Soudan)
Three years after the Egyptian revolution, demands for social justice continue to be...
09 Avril 2014
CEDEJ (Egypte, Soudan)
During the 29 months between the overthrow of the Mubarak dictatorship and the milita...
09 Avril 2014
CEDEJ (Egypte, Soudan)
Since the 25 January 2011 Revolution, Egypt has been witnessing increased mobilizatio...
09 Avril 2014
CEDEJ (Egypte, Soudan)
Based on the argument that Cairo’s recent urban development projects took place at th...
09 Avril 2014
CEDEJ (Egypte, Soudan)
Politics, Practical
Managing urban expansion is very critical to cities’ prosperity and sustainability, h...
09 Avril 2014
CEDEJ (Egypte, Soudan)
Social justice
Even in the absence of a constitutional article declaring the right to adequate housi...
09 Avril 2014
CEDEJ (Egypte, Soudan)
Representative government and representation
In times of transformation and extreme fluidity in which the sources of legitimate po...
11 Février 2014