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107 contenus correspondent à votre recherche
IFP (Inde)
Tropical tree age estimation by direct and indirect methods
Speaker : Dr. Cheryl D. N...
16 Décembre 2011
IFP (Inde)
"Low-Tech/High-Tech" Workshop
December 15-17, 2011
In his fascinating asse...
15 Décembre 2011
IFP (Inde)
Biodiversity assessment in tropical wet evergreen forest: species composition and eva...
02 Décembre 2011
IFP (Inde)
Methods of data analysis of Climate Change and Vulnerability in Semi Arid Zones of So...
29 Novembre 2011
IFP (Inde)
Workshop on Biodiversity Informatics
Rapid advancements in the domains of computer Sc...
25 Novembre 2011
IFP (Inde)
Experimental workshop on Tamil Customary Law: Knowledge and Practice
This experimenta...
14 Novembre 2011
IFP (Inde)
ANDROMAQUE South Asia team – 1st meeting
The ANDROMAQUE (Anthropology of law in the A...
08 Novembre 2011
IFP (Inde)
New light on iconography of Pattadakal Temples
Speaker : Dr. Vasundhara Filliozat
18 Octobre 2011
IFP (Inde)
The Department of Indology, French Institute of Pondicherry and the Tamil Nadu - Pudu...
10 Août 2011
IFP (Inde)
Speaker: Dr. Narendran Kodandapani, Researcher, IFP
Abstract: Current climate change...
06 Mai 2011
IFP (Inde)
Modelling the geographic distribution of tree species in the Western Ghats of India:...
02 Mai 2011
IFP (Inde)
Speaker:Mrs. Elfie SWERTS, PhD student at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, F...
28 Avril 2011
IFP (Inde)
Speaker : Dr. Julien Robert Kast, CNRS, IFP
Abstract: In modern European languages th...
25 Avril 2011
IFP (Inde)
Speaker : Ponnuchamy R., Ph.D Candidate, French Institute of Pondicherry.
20 Avril 2011
IFP (Inde)
Speaker: Audrey LUSTIG, Student from National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA), L...
18 Avril 2011
IFP (Inde)
Speaker: Camille COUX, Master 2 student, University Montpellier 2, France
11 Avril 2011
IFP (Inde)
Pollen Analysis of Lake Sediments, Surface Soils and Leaf Trait Measurements in the E...
01 Avril 2011
IFP (Inde)
Advances of a doctoral research on "The value of plants in the strategies of developm...
29 Mars 2011