With the rule of Chalukya kings of Kalyana from 975 to 1189 over Karnataka Kannada literature makes its beginnings. Along with literary masterpieces Kannada Shasana Sahitya "Epigraphical Literature" steps in. Great poets like Pampa and Ranna were patronized by monarchs. Poets of lesser luck found a patronage among local chieftains and were content with composing charts eulogizing them in the high style of Kannada and Sanskrit poetry. Their compositions were set to music and sung in assemblies. Then they were engraved on long stelas specially prepared and installed in temples for the purpose of general communication. In this genre the composers of these inscriptions was not inferior to the great figures patronized by the paramount kings.
To show the high quality of these compositions, it appeared that the medieval art of rendering them into music should be revived by interpretation in the traditional modern music, enhanced with dance. Dr. Vasundhara Doraswamy has very well succeeded in interpreting selected verses from inscriptions of the temples of Haralahalli and Rattihalli, in dance to the music of Dr. R. N. Shrilata, under the direction of Dr. Vasundhara Filliozat.
Venue : Auditorium of the Alliance Française de Pondichéry, 53, Suffren street, Pondicherry