The French Embassy in Accra, and the Institute for Research in Africa (IFRA-Nigeria) offer small grants to assist Ghanaian graduate students to undertake field research in Ghana in the social sciences and humanities.
ELIGIBILITY: Master & M.Phil students currently registered in a Ghanaian university. Candidates must be Ghanaian nationals. Applications may be submitted on any subject within the humanities and social sciences, vid.: Political Science, Sociology, Anthropology, Archaeology, History, Geography, Linguistics and Oral literature.
FUNDING LIMITATIONS: These grants are designed as partial funding to assist in the realization of fieldwork. The amount requested may not exceed 1000 Ghana Cedis.
CALENDAR: All applications must be sent by e-mail before the 15th of April, 2011 to: Dr. Gérard Chouin, Director – IFRA –
Shortlisted candidates will take part in a methodological workshop in Accra in May, 2011. The fieldwork subsidized by the grant is expected to take place from June to September, 2009. A preliminary report will be submitted by the grantees by the 17th of October 2011, prior to the final seminar which will take place by the end of October 2011.
1. Project Proposal
The Proposal must be a detailed, well-argued and clearly presented research project of about 4 to 5,000 words, excluding the bibliography and notes. It should be organized as follows:
· Title Page: Name of project; Name, affiliation and contact of candidate (including email and phone number); Period and amount of funding requested; Names, titles and contacts of two referees. · Statement of Research Problem and Aims: o Historical Background and Discussion o Methodology and Timetable o Contribution and Pertinence. · Bibliography
2. Detailed Project Budget Budgets must be realistic and reflect actual costs of research.
3. Curriculum Vitae
4. Two letters of recommendation Referees letters must be confidential. They will be sent directly by e-mail by the referees to Dr. Gérard Chouin at the following address: Referees must include the project proposal title in their letter, and their comments should engage with the proposed project as well as the qualities of the individual applicant. One of the referees must be the student's supervisor.
Requests for funding which do not respect these guidelines will not be considered.