Speaker : Dr. Vincent Bonhomme, Post doctorate, Ecology, IFP
Two case studies on Modern Morphometrics using R: Nepenthes pitcher-plants and South Indian pollens
Morphometrics, the mathematical description of shapes, has recently gained interest among ecologists along with the development of methods that link pattern of morphological changes with micro/macro evolutionary developmental processes. As part of my post-doctoral researches [landscape modeling and morphometrics], I'll use these so-called "modern morphometrics" approaches to:
i) build a dedicated R package that aims to bring modern morphometrics at the ecologists fingertips and use the latter to
ii) fill the gap in our comprehension of the functional, mechanical and evolutionary diversification of the carnivorous traps of Nepenthes pitcher plants
iii) test on an handful of species studied here at the palynology lab and collected both along an ecological gradient and sedimentary core if they exhibit any intraspecific morphological variability.
After a general introduction, the aim of my talk will be to present and discuss part i) and the first results for parts ii) and iii).
Organiser : Department of Ecology, French Institute of Pondicherry.
Venue : Jawaharlal Nehru Conference Hall, French Institute of Pondicherry, 11, Saint Louis Street, Pondicherry - 605 001.