After a long break, we are glad to finally announce the continuation of our Monthly Expert Discussion Meetings in the series of joint meetings between the GTZ-Participatory Development Programme in Urban Areas (PDP) and the "Centre d'études et de documentation économiques, juridiques et socials" (CEDEJ).
The 14th Monthly Expert Discussion Meeting will take place on Monday, the 21st of November, 2011 at 05:00 p.m. at the Longchamps Hotel in El-Zamalek (21, Ismail Mohamed Street).
Ms. Heba Abou Shnief, Policy Coordinator at the Social Contract Center (SCC) in Cairo – a joint UNDP-Government of Egypt project, will hold a presentation entitled
"Unleashing the Potential For Participation : Are We Ready ?".
Heba Abou Shnief is a specialist in development policy research for the Middle East North Africa (MENA) region. Since the late 1990s, Ms. Abou Shnief has worked closely with leading academics, policymakers and think-tanks on the design, organization, management and applied execution of policy-relevant research, particularly in 'social development' and 'economic governance' across the MENA region. In addition to initiating and managing several research projects, she has made published contributions in her field, especially on 'social development policy reform', the 'role of the state' and the 'economic reform policy'. Since 2010, Ms. Abou Shnief is the Policy Coordinator at the Social Contract Center (SCC) in Cairo — a joint UNDP-Government of Egypt project that promotes social equity and works to build consensus towards a new social contract in Egypt. . Afterwards you will have time to ask questions and have stimulating discussions.