Evolution: an international research seminar in Eastern Africa.
Paleobiodiversity, paleobiology, prehistory, paleoenvironments
22ème séance / 22nd session: The earliest Acheulean at Konso
par/by Yonas Beyene
Jeudi 4 avril 2019, 15h30-17h / Thursday, April 4, 2019, 3:30-5:00pm
Lieu / Venue: Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Addis Ababa
Yonas Beyene will present the Acheulean assemblages of the Konso Formation, southern Ethiopia, which span the time period ∼1.75 to <1.0 Ma. The earliest Konso Acheulean is characterized by a combination of large picks and crude bifaces/unifaces made predominantly on large flake blanks. An increase in the number of flake scars was observed within the Konso Formation handaxe assemblages through time, but this was less so with picks. The Konso evidence suggests that both picks and handaxes were essential components of the Acheulean from its initial stages and that the two probably differed in function. The temporal refinement seen, especially in the handaxe forms at Konso, implies enhanced function through time, perhaps in processing carcasses with long and stable cutting edges.
The speaker: Yonas Beyene received is PhD from the French Museum national d’histoire naturelle (IPH) in 1991. He has conducted extensive fieldwork and analysis of stone tools assemblages, with a strong interest in Oldowan and Acheulean. He is a fellow researcher at the CFEE.