Date de publication:
Langue de publication:
- Anglais
Publié ici :
20 Mars 2012Mis à jour le :
12 Octobre 2017Mots-clefs:
- Inde
- publication
- ouvrage collectif
- religion
- rituels
- Anthropologie religieuse
Zone géographique:
- Asie
- Papier
Ifp Varanasi
About the Book
The city of Vārāṇasī in North India is one...
Ifp Pondicherry
This book presents a brief overview of Pondicherry's social...
Ifp Caste
Recent debates on distributive justice have started to...
Ifp Caste
From colonial census administrators to social scientists,...
Ifp History of Śaivism
Edited by Deviprasad Mishra with the help of the late S....
Ifp Rural tourism
Why is rural tourism growing in some “marginal” Asian...
Ifp Bhakti literature
Author: annotated translation with glossaries Lynn Ate...
Ifp temple architecture; Śaivasiddhānta
Critical edition and translation of the prāsādalakṣaṇa-...
Ifp Grammar
Critically edited by K.V. Ramakrishnamacharyulu...
CEDEJ publication
The French Centre for Economic, Law and Social Studies in...
UMIFRE-FMSH religion
Fruit d’un partenariat entre le Ministère de l’Europe et...
Ifp tourisme domestique
Pays traversé par la matrice coloniale, l’Inde constitue un...
Ifp Asie
par Kamala MARIUS , maîtresse de conférences à l'université...
Ifp Inde
« Akhil Gupta. Red Tape. Bureaucracy, Structural Violence...
Ifp India
In this bilingual (French/English) CD-ROM, we first show...
CFEE Women
ANNALES D’ETHIOPIE vol. 30 (2015) est désormais en accès...
CFEE Feminism
Meron Zeleke, Silvia Bruzzi
Annales d'Éthiopie Année 2015...
CFEE gender
by Romina Istratii
Romina Istratii, a current PhD research...