
CEDEJ (Egypte, Soudan)
In July 2022, Paul Hayes was awarded a PhD in social anthropology from the Australian...
15 Septembre 2022
CEFRES (Višegrad)
Belarusian exiles in Central and Eastern Europe after 2020, International workshop, C...
13 Septembre 2022
CEFRES (Višegrad)
This workshop, coorganized by CEFRES in partnership with the Faculty of Social Scienc...
28 Mars 2022
IFEA - Istanbul (Turquie)
Tere has been a significant Turkish presence in Europe for about 50 years. During thi...
14 Février 2022
IFEAC (Asie centrale)
L’IFEAC a le plaisir d’annoncer la parution dans Laboratorium de l’article “Gendering...
11 Février 2022
IFPO (Proche-Orient)
An increasing interest in pipes as archaeological objects has developed over the last...
07 Février 2022