
IFP (Inde)
Les médecines savantes indiennes, la médecine āyurvédique et son homologue tamoule, l...
IFP (Inde)
Une analyse de la dynamique forestière et de la croissance des arbres d'une forêt sem...
IFP (Inde)
Defaunation is causing declines of large-seeded animal-dispersed trees in tropical fo...
IFP (Inde)
This booklet is based on data collected mainly during a FAO Training Programme entitl...
IFP (Inde)
An adaptive governance system strives to enhance the capacity of institutions to bett...
IFP (Inde)
The paper focuses on the interaction, and specifically knowledge exchange that takes...
IFP (Inde)
It is often after an initial recourse to biomedicine that Indians turn to traditional...
IFP (Inde)
A structural analysis was carried out from a systematic sample of 3.12 ha and five 2...
IFP (Inde)
A number of plant traits influence the success of fertilization and reproduction in p...
IFP (Inde)
In this paper I propose to analyse the apparent contradiction between the universalis...
