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- agriculture
662 contenus correspondent à votre recherche
IFEA - Istanbul (Turquie)
"Once a prohibited poet, Ahmed-i Hani's poetic work Mem-u Zin was first translated as...
28 Février 2012
CEFRES (Višegrad)
Review of the agrarian turning-points in Central Europe during the 20th century In le...
01 Janvier 2011
IFEA - Istanbul (Turquie)
Kerküşti Höyük, which was successively inhabited from the Early Halaf until almost to...
01 Janvier 2011
CEFC (Chine)
The stagnation of China’s rural economy over the last decade has become a major chall...
01 Avril 2008
CEFC (Chine)
In 2003, the Chinese government made revitalising the northeast a priority, a clear s...
01 Avril 2008
CRFJ (Israël)
The organization of prehistoric cultures in the Near East went through considerable c...
15 Octobre 2007
CEFC (Chine)
The Chinese government rejoiced on the occasion of gaining World Trade Organisation m...
24 Novembre 2006
MFJ (Japon)
The organic movement in Japan emerged in the early 1970's. The history of Japanese or...
01 Janvier 2006
CEFRES (Višegrad)
changement climatique
The article aims to present a systemic and comparative framework to study adaptation...
26 Novembre 2015
CFEE (Ethiopie)
Economic history
TERRAIN/FIELDWORK : Economic Stagnation in Ethiopia, 1500-1800
by Mengistie Zewdu Tes...
29 Mars 2018
IFEA - Istanbul (Turquie)
This contribution presents the theoretical frame behind the Interpretation Center of...
31 Décembre 2015
IFP (Inde)
Groundwater resources are confronted with an increased risk of depletion and pollutio...
07 Septembre 2015
CEFRES (Višegrad)
Trying out the LEADER approach in Hungary, a study of the LAG in Baranya. The Europea...
01 Janvier 2010
IFEA - Andes
La sierra norte ecuatoriana ostenta hoy día muchos vestigios arqueológicos, como puca...
05 Janvier 2016
IFEA - Andes
1. Los danzaq de Ayacucho 1. 1. La región chanca y los orígenes de la danza La danza...
14 Décembre 2015
IFEA - Andes
El libro presenta los aspectos referidos a la dinámica de cambio que ha impuesto la n...
04 Juin 2015
IFEA - Andes
El espacio en el que evoluciona y funciona la unidad doméstica tiene como eje la casa...
04 Juin 2015
IFEA - Andes
Desde principios del siglo pasado se aceptó en nuestro medio que agricultura y civili...
04 Juin 2015