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IFP (Inde)
An annotated edition and translation by Will Sweetman with R. Ilakkuvan
06 Novembre 2012
IFP (Inde)
coopération universitaire
The Pondicherry University, the University Michel de Montaigne –Bordeaux 3, France, a...
24 Octobre 2012
IFP (Inde)
Documentary by Emilie CREMIN, PhD student in Geography, Paris 8 University, France.
19 Octobre 2012
IFP (Inde)
Research in Tamil Studies: A Platform for Dialogue
{A workshop for Doctoral Researche...
24 Septembre 2012
IFP (Inde)
L'Institut français de Pondichéry recrute un chercheur en Sciences sociales. Les act...
12 Septembre 2012
IFP (Inde)
The present paper is an output of a study carried out to know the scientific work don...
07 Septembre 2012
IFP (Inde)
Sanitation at the interface of environmental and social order: The example of norther...
31 Août 2012
IFP (Inde)
Urbanisation and emerging diseases: a perspective from Delhi
Dengue, a viral infectio...
29 Août 2012
IFP (Inde)
Urban History of Tamil Nadu in the 19th Century
This presentation will give some resu...
29 Août 2012
IFP (Inde)
Dr. Pierre GRARD, PhD., who is a Botanist and a Computer Scientist with a Doctorate i...
29 Août 2012
IFP (Inde)
A new class of models of landscape changes for non-continue landscapes and their unde...
24 Août 2012
IFP (Inde)
Henri Schildt
Collection Indologie n˚ 117, IFP/EFEO, 2012, 473 p.
including 176 p. o...
22 Août 2012
IFP (Inde)
Can we measure rainfall by using the sound it makes ?
Rainfall is one of the most imp...
10 Août 2012
IFP (Inde)
Tree species diversity of logged and unlogged compartments of lowland dipterocarp for...
03 Août 2012
IFP (Inde)
Territory understanding and landscape dynamics at the village scale around the Kazira...
27 Juillet 2012
IFP (Inde)
Rethinking the modelling of the landscape-population relationship
Modelling a populat...
20 Juillet 2012
IFP (Inde)
Unveiling Destiny: Soothsaying, speech and practice of secrecy among the Valluvar ast...
11 Juillet 2012
IFP (Inde)
The UID and Social Welfare Schemes
This presentation takes a close look at the claims...
09 Juillet 2012